Fairview Council #4044
1599 Memorial Dr Chicopee MA 01020-3932
Ron Grenier - Grand Knight
03:23:30 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Council Officers Meeting:
Monday, November 4, 6:30 pm
Spaghetti Dinner
Wednesday, November 13th
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
4th Degree Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 13th, 7 PM
Steak Roast and Nate Martel
performing in Lounge
November 15th
Council Meeting
Monday, November 18th
5:45 pm – Dinner
7:00 pm – Meeting
4th Degree Exemplification
Sunday, November 24th
Castle of Knights
Home Association
Annual Meeting
Monday, November 25th
6:30 PM
Thanksgiving Day Dinner
Thursday, November 28th
Elvis at the Castle
Sunday, December 1st
12:15 PM Brunch, 3:00
Concert Adults Buffet & Show: $49.95
Child Buffet & Show: $20.95
Show only: $25
Council Officers Meeting:
Monday, December 2nd
6:30 pm
Spaghetti Dinner
Wednesday, December 11th
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
4th Degree Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, Dec. 11th
7 PM
Council Meeting
Monday, December 16th
5:45 pm – Dinner
7:00 pm – Meeting
Home Association Meeting
Monday, December 23rd
6:30 PM
My Brother Knights,
I hope you have been enjoying the great weather that we’ve been having.
I want to thank all the volunteers who helped out during the month of October. We had a busy month with the Spaghetti Supper, Jericho Dance, Candlelight Living Rosary, Bingo, our 4-Day Columbus Day Tootsie Roll Charity Drive weekend, and the Craft Fair. Thank you to all of you who helped. On Saturday evening several of us went to the Charity Ball in Milford to turn in our check for the tootsie roll drive. We placed in the top 10.
We have another busy month coming up with Spaghetti Supper, Aquanett, the night before Thanksgiving, and of course our Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday. Starting on Monday, November 25th, thru and including Thanksgiving Day.
We will need an extraordinary number of volunteers those 4 days:
Meal Preparation in the Kitchen Monday – Wednesday starting at 8 AM
Meal assembly in the Hall Thursday 4 AM to 8 AM
Drivers for Meal Delivery starting at 8:30 AM Thursday
Meal servers starting at 11 AM on Thursday
Clean-up starting at 2:30 PM Thursday
If there is any time that you can give us, it would be greatly appreciated. There will be a sign-up sheet in the lounge or you can call my home phone and leave a message: 413-533-0938.
I want to wish all of you a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!
Vivat Jesus!
Ron Grenier Grand Knight
My choice of volunteer of the month is Scott Lafond,
Scott is there for every occasion at the council.
You will see him at Bingo, Spaghetti Suppers, helping out at football game days
in the Lounge, our Breakfasts, and whatever else we do.
Scott is also the Deputy Grand Knight of our Council and a Home Association Board
Scott is very valuable to our organization.
Thank you Scott, for all you do.
Ron Grenier, Grand Knight
Aquanett Concert – November 27
New England’s most authentic 80’s Tribute Band will be performing on
Wednesday evening, November 27th
at the Castle.
Doors will open at 6:30 and music is from 7:30 to 11 PM.
Tickets are $15 in advance (available in the Lounge, the Castle Office, or on line) and $20 at the door.
Hope to see you there!

We have Bingo every Thursday. Actual games run from 6:15 pm until about 10 pm.
We have volunteer opportunities from mid-afternoon through the evening. You can help with set up, the snack bar, selling pull tickets, selling bingo cards, verifying winners, or clean up. You can volunteer once a month or every week. Become a part of the team!
Volunteers receive a 50% discount at the snack bar and two free drinks in our lounge.
You can contact our Grand Knight Ron Grenier for information on volunteering. You can find his number on the last page of this newsletter, or just come by on a Thursday night!
Spaghetti Suppers are on the second Wednesday of the month.
The supper runs from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
We need volunteers for set up, service, and clean up.
Each volunteer receives a meal and two drink tickets.
Just come into the hall and speak to a person in a red K of C shirt who will help you get started.
We will be making the spaghetti sauce on Monday, August 12th at 8 AM in the kitchen.
We also give credit to students who need volunteer hours!